
page 11, in the last line, "in Sect. 2.3.4." ==> "in Sect. 3.4."

page 40, 10 lines above from the bottom, "(see Chapter ??)" ==> "(see Chapter 5)"

page 53, just before Figure 4.4, "which in turn that could have been..." ==> "which in turn could have been..."

page 58, 2 lines of caption in Figure 4.10, "disperison - a an excellent fit..." ==> "disperison - an excellent fit..."

page 61, 4 lines below Section 2.5., "We observed quite.." ==> "We observe quite..."

page 65, 3 lines from the top, "... which is no trivial and ..." ==> "... which is not trivial and ..."

page 73, 3 lines below Figure 5.4., "and this an organization ..." ==> "and this organization ..."

page 138 and 141, the inverse matrix W transpose should be pseudo-inverse when W is not square matrix

page 147, 5th line, it is “w=[w_1, w_2, …, x_n]^T”, it should be  “w=[w_1, w_2, …, w_n]^T”

page 168, equation 152, it is “D_a=1/M D_i”, it should be “D_a =1/N \sum_i D_i”

page 174, figure 7.9, it is “m”, should be “M” in several places

page 175,  3rd line, it is “w_i = [w_i1,w_i2...,w_iM]”, it should be  “w_i = [w_i1,w_i2...,w_in]”

page 175,  8th line, it is “M >= M”, it should be “M>l”

page 178, equations (187), it is “f(kt)”, it should be “f(t)” in every equation

page 179, equation (201), it is “-F(-u)=-F(u)”, it  should be “F(-u)=-F(u)”

page 183, eq. (220), it is “\sum_k=0 ”,  should be “\sum_u=0 ”

page 187, equations (244) and (245), there should not be “1/4Pi^2” factor

page 214, 10 lines above from the bottom, "abut" ==> "about"

page 220, 4 lines above from the bottom, "we give pointers suboptimal ..." ==> "we give pointers to suboptimal ..."

page 222, 13 lines below from the top, "must be m - j." ==> "must be m + j."

page 226, Figure 7.16 should be as following:

page 236, 5 lines below from Figure 8.1., "n1 Dot n2 Dot ... nd regions" ==> "n1 Dot n2 Dot ... Dot nd regions"

page 236, 8 lines below from Figure 8.1., "nominal (e.g. white, red)" ==> "nominal (e.g., white, red)"

page 237, just before Section 2.1., "N = { nF1, ..., nFn )" ==> "N = { nF1, ..., nFn }"

page 238, 13 lines from the top, "i=1,2...,S" ==> "i=1,2,...,S"

page 264, equation (16),  it should not be “i \ne j”

page 264, 3 lines above from the bottom, add a period after {5,7}.

page 266, 3 lines below from Section 5.3., "x,y,z,..." ==> "x1, x2, x3, ..."
7 lines below from Section 5.3., "phi(x1), phi(x2), ..., phi(xN)" ==> "y1=phi(x1), y2=phi(x2), ..., yN=phi(xN)"
10 lines below from Section 5.3., in the equation of objective function, delete superscript "m"
15 lines below from Section 5.3., change "y" to "v", i.e., "K(x, y)" ==> "K(x, v)"
16 lines below from Section 5.3., change "y" to "v", i.e., "K(x, y) = phi(x)^T phi(y)" ==> "K(x, v) = phi(x)^T phi(v)"
20 lines below from Section 5.3., change "y" to "v", i.e., "K(x, y) = exp ( - || x - y ||^2 ) / sigma^2" ==> "K(x, v) = exp ( - || x - v ||^2 ) / sigma^2"

page 269, 19 lines above from the below, add a period after the sentence.

page 270, 5 lines above from the bottom, "p( x | theta ) \neq p( x | theta )" ==> "p( x | theta ) \neq p( x | theta' )"

page 271, 8 lines above from the Figure 9.9, "Figure 9.8 illustrates..." ==> "Figure 9.9 illustrates..."

page 272, 3 lines below from the top, "the neighborhood, e and ..." ==> "the neighborhood, \epsilon and ..."

page 276, 5 lines above from the below, add a period to the end of the sentence.

page 277, Two figures should be as followings:

page 288, first line from the top, "[00 11 11 1 0]" ==> "[0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0]"

page 292, in Figure 10.3, patient ID P2 and TID 2000, "Konrad Black..." ==> "Krystyna Black..."

page 297, just before Section 3.4., "data given in Figure 10.1, " ==> "data given in Table 10.1,"

page 375, 7 lines below from the top, add a period after 0.016.

page 385, the equation just before Example, "(j=1,2...n)" ==> "(j=1,2,...,n)"

page 389, 7 lines above from the bottom, add the right closing parenthesis to the equation

page 390, 8 lines below from the top, delete "= - log2 (1/2)" in the equation

page 394, Step 2.3 in Figure 12.3., "in which a appears and ..." ==> "in which "a" appears and..."

page 395, 20 lines below from the top, "After executing for the loop for ..." ==> "After executing for loop for ..."

page 396, in Figure 12.4, the bottom right table should be G Negative Table like "NEG Table" ==> "G_NEG Table"

page 404, line 36 should be "if BIN[ i ][ k ][ j] != 0 then BIIN[ i ][ k ][ j] = 1" (see also example on page 407)

page 407, 4 lines above from the bottom, "covered the first rule." ==> "covered by the first rule."

page 412, the last sentence should be "The GA module of the CLIP4 algorithm is used when only a small data set that covers a small portion of the search space is available to generate rules that potentially will cover a not yet described portion of the state space."

page 431, 9 lines above from the bottom, delete all the sentence "Third, unlike most of ..."

page 433, last line from the bottom, add the right closing parenthesis to the equation

page 435, 5 lines from the top, "larger" ==> "layer"

page 509, just below Section 1.1.11., "may be measure in ..." ==> "may be measured in ..."

page 509, 8th from top, the answer should be -19 instead of 19

page 523, 8 lines below from the top, "it does not not have ..." ==> "it does not have ..."

page 524, in second Example, "(1,2,3),(1,3,2),(2,1,4),(2,4,1),(4,1,2),(4,2,1)" ==> "(1,2,3),(1,3,2),(2,1,3),(2,3,1),(3,1,2),(3,2,1)"

page 524, 13th from bottom, the permutations example uses the set {1,2,3} but most of the permutations use the number 4 which isn't in the given set.

page 533, 3rd property, it is “e^A = e^trA”, it should be “det e^A = e^trA”

page 552, Equation (B.14), "P(B)=A(B|A)" ==> "P(B)=P(B|A)"

page 552, Equation (B.16), "P(A|B)=P(A) P(B|A)=P(B)" ==> "P(A|B)=P(A), P(B|A)=P(B)"

page 596, in second Example, "{c},{d},{a,b {a,c},{a,d {b,c}, ..." ==> "{c},{d},{a,b},{a,c},{a,d},{b,c}, ..."